Monday 22 December 2014

Three are better than two

If you’ve looked into the subjects of divination, soul travel, or even just meditation, you’ve probably come across the term, “Third Eye” more than once.

What is the Third Eye, how can you open it, and what will opening it even do for you?

The Third Eye is one of the human being’s most powerful energy centers, located in the center of the forehead. In Hindu mythology, the Third Eye is the energy centre which, if opened and activated, will allow the individual access to all powers, even those of creation and destruction.

Then, how can you open your Third Eye, and allow the massive power that already exists within you to be unleashed?

The Secret Door to Power is Hidden Next to Your Eyes!

The Cloud
1. The first thing that you want to do when opening your third eye is to relax your body, mind, and emotions. When you enter into real relaxation, you’ll discover how tense you are in your daily life.

One extremely effective visualisation for getting into a completely relaxed state is to imagine that there is a brilliant, white cloud floating above your head.

As you breathe in, imagine that the cloud comes down over the crown of your head. As you breathe out, feel all of the tension in the crown of your head disappearing.

It’s almost as if the bright cloud itself is absorbing all of your anxiety and stress.

Then, as you breathe in again, imagine and feel the cloud moving down over your eyes. Breathing out, exhaust all of the tension in your eyelids, forehead, and ears into the cloud.

Continue the visualization of the cloud moving down your whole body.

Once it reaches your feet, and even your toes are free of tension, imagine that the cloud simply disappears, taking your anxiety with it!

2. In this super-relaxed state, turn your attention to your forehead. Become aware of your skin, bones, and muscle in the centre of your forehead.

After only a few seconds of focusing your attention on the center of your forehead, you’ll also notice something that has nothing at all to do with your physical body.

You’ll notice a definite pressure in the centre of your forehead.

3. Inhale deeply, and notice how the pressure increases.

In fact, the longer that you focus your attention on your Third Eye, the more intense the pressure will become.

As you exhale, rather than just letting air out of your lungs, let out a long sigh.

The sigh will sound like an “AH,” like you are discovering a new level of relaxation.

The AH sound is actually called a Bija Mantra, which is a Seed Sound – a powerful sound that literally commands the forces of creation, sustenance, and destruction.

As the AH sound leaves your mouth, you’ll feel the pressure behind your forehead, the power of your Third Eye, moving out of your Third Eye.

This will feel like a door has opened in your forehead.

As you continue to breathe in, building pressure in your Third Eye, and breathe out, releasing that pressure with the Bija Mantra, an actual vortex of power will stream out of your Third Eye into the world.

As you’re performing this SIMPLE meditation, you will indeed be generating a massive amount of raw power.

You’ll want to use this power in that moment to begin creating the situations that you’d like to experience in your life. Focus on those situations, and send the power of your Third Eye towards them.