Sunday 7 February 2016

3 Pillars of Reiki Part 2 – Reiji-Ho

Besides the five REIKI principles, Dr Usui taught his REIKI system, which is based on these pillars: GASSHO, REIJI-HO and CHIRYO.


Translated into English, REIJI means “indication of the REIKI power”, and HO means “methods” (In Hawayo Takata’s journal, this method was mentioned in an entry of May 1936).

REIJI-HO consists of three short rituals that are carried out before each treatment:-

• Fold your hands in front of your heart chakra in the Gassho posture 
And close your eyes. Now connect with the REIKI power. This is very simple: Ask the REIKI power to flow through you. Within a few seconds, you will notice how it flows. Perhaps you will feel it enter through your crown chakra or you may notice it first in your heart chakra or in your hands (it doesn’t matter in which part of your body the indication first occurs). You can also use the distance (Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen) Symbol to connect with the REIKI power. Repeat the wish three times in your mind that REIKI may flow, then send the Mental/Emotional (Sei He Ki) Symbol and seal it all with the Power (Cho Ku Rei) Symbol. As soon as you feel the energy, continue on to the next step.

• Pray for the recovery and/or health of the patient/client on all levels. 
Here it is important to remember that we do not know what is “good” or “bad” for our patients/clients, why they “need” or have a particular illness and so, put the terms “recovery” and “health” in the hands of the REIKI power and become a channel for it (dedicating it, of course, for their highest good) – they will receive whatever is right for them.

• Now hold your folded hands in front of your third eye and ask for 
The REIKI power to guide your hands to where the energy is needed.

At first glance, this technique may seem strange to you, contradicting what you have already learned about REIKI. However, your hands know what is happening, so learn to trust them. We are all basically intuitive – we just have to learn to listen to the inspiration that is already there and “translate” it correctly. How you get in touch with your intuition and in what area it manifests itself is different for each individual.