The experience left a lasting impression and after their return insisted that, “Even the sands were made of gold.” Perhaps it was this vision of paradise but, most likely greed, that inspired the 16th century explorations of North America’s southwest by Spanish explorers Cortez and Coronado. Their insatiable thirst for the worldly riches contained in the fabled Seven Cities Of Cibola most likely contributed to the savage slaughter of thousands of indigenous peoples.
The Seven Cities have never been found but speculation places them in two likely places; the Four Corners area of Arizona and New Mexico and the now present-day location of the City of Phoenix, The Valley Of The Sun.
History documents the richness of the Ancient Valley Of The Sun, but the remnants of a once sophisticated canal system and ball courts of the Hohokham are indeed small when compared
to what might have existed. Travel north, above present-day Fountain Hills near Phoenix on the Beeline Highway and you will notice acres of large boulders, smoothly pronouncing themselves among an occasional saguaro or ocotillo cactus. Quite honestly, it looks like a forgotten war zone. According to historian Richard Petersen, that may be exactly what it is, but, it was not destruction by nuclear weapons but, of a comet's wrath that may have struck around 1680 AD. In his opinion, what was destroyed was a fabulous, gold-laden Hohokham city filled with mines, workers and fine artists of the precious metal.
Golden Cities are also spoken about in the Book
Of Revelation, and it was one of seven angels, in Saint John described the great city as, “The holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God.” The Angel guiding John was thorough. Together they measured and documented the size of the city and counted three seamless pearl gateways on each of the four directions.
John’s well documented vision, who gave him a tour. John described the great city as, “The holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God.”
John’s well documented vision, who gave him a tour. John described the great city as, “The holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God.”
The Angel guiding John was thorough. Together they measured and documented the size of the city and counted three seamless pearl gateways on each of the four directions. Precious stones of sapphire and emerald encrust the walls of the foundation of the city.
Even it’s
streets are constructed of gold, “And the street of the city was pure gold, as it were transparent glass.”
John noticed several qualities in his visit of this great city. Without clergy or temples it seemed to continuously radiate God’s loving energy and was uninterruptedly filled with light, “I saw no temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it. And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it; for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof.”
And he continues in more wonderful description, “And the gates of it shall not be shut at all by day: for there shall be no night there,” suggesting that this continuously open city is to be utilised by all who come and not just a select few. It’s creation is perfect and the intention of it’s usage appears universal. The Golden Cities of the Ascended Masters’ I AM America prophecies are not encrusted with jewels or filled with streets paved with gold, but much like the city of John’s vision in the Book Of Revelation, their gates are always open and their presence meant for all. They constantly radiate a high spiritual energy and in the New Times are prophesied to play a large role in
the creation of universal brotherhood and sisterhood. The prophecies describe the Golden Cities as large vortexes-51 of them exactly, that are continuously manifesting as the Times Of Changes progress. These areas are geophysically huge and in the same way that the Angel and John measured their
sacred city, the Ascended Masters have been very specific about their size and shape which is over 400 kilometres in diameter and over 200 miles high.
The Masters were very specific in describing the structure of a Golden City Vortex. They described its sacred shape as built upon a series of pyramids. It’s symbology reinforces how man’s consciousness, at this time, is evolving from a third dimensional orientation to fourth and fifth dimensional awareness. Saint Germain’s introductory information about Golden Cities refers to these areas as protected and that they would serve as a focus for “interaction with spiritual energy.”
The Masters were very specific in describing the structure of a Golden City Vortex. They described its sacred shape as built upon a series of pyramids. It’s symbology reinforces how man’s consciousness, at this time, is evolving from a third dimensional orientation to fourth and fifth dimensional awareness. Saint Germain’s introductory information about Golden Cities refers to these areas as protected and that they would serve as a focus for “interaction with spiritual energy.”
Researchers of vortexes would most likely agree. Richard Dannelley, Sedona vortex authority says that a vortex of earth’s energy, “Allows power from the dimension of pure energy to leak through into our dimension.”
Vortexes seem to appear at intersections of the earth’s grid, or bio-magnetic field of the earth. These intersecting strands of Earth’s energy are also known as ley lines. The symbol for a vortex is a cross in a circle.
Dannelley writes of this symbol, “The cross is the symbol of the union of cosmic forces, the coming together of the polarities which create the world. A cross may be defined as a Vortex: The intersection of angles. In the practice of geomancy a cross is used to mark a place where the strands of the Web of Life join together, thus forming a Power Spot.”
The Ascended Masters have marked each prophesied Golden City Vortex with a similar symbol.
According to the Master Teachers a Golden City Vortex works on the principle of electromagnetism but, the surrounding geology is also key to understanding this natural phenomenon. Research is proving that vortexes seem to appear near fault lines and that they may be channeling energies of the inner earth. (I.E. Gobean Vortex: Mogollon Rim; Malton Vortex: New Madrid Fault line; Shalahah Vortex: A rediscovered ancient fault line near the Snake River and Hells Canyon causes a surprise earthquake in 1998.
According to the Master Teachers a Golden City Vortex works on the principle of electromagnetism but, the surrounding geology is also key to understanding this natural phenomenon. Research is proving that vortexes seem to appear near fault lines and that they may be channeling energies of the inner earth. (I.E. Gobean Vortex: Mogollon Rim; Malton Vortex: New Madrid Fault line; Shalahah Vortex: A rediscovered ancient fault line near the Snake River and Hells Canyon causes a surprise earthquake in 1998.
Basalt pillars and ancient lava deposits with their high iron content are also natural conductors of electromagnetic energies. It is a proven scientific fact that igneous rocks are much more strongly magnetized than sedimentary rocks. The presence of basalt and rocks with high iron content is visibly apparent at Mount Baldy, Arizona (the apex of the Gobean Golden City Vortex) and throughout the Gobean Vortex. This is also true of the Golden City Vortex Of Shalahah. (Located in Idaho and Montana) Water is also a key element and may play a role in the disbursement of vortexian energies. Underneath the Gobean Vortex is the largest aquifer in the Southwest; three huge fresh water lakes, Coeur d'Alene and Pend ‘Orielle in Idaho and Flathead Lake in Montana are located in the Shalahah Vortex. I’m sure if all of the Golden City Vortexes were researched in this manner, this list would prove endless.
What are the benefits of visiting or living in a Golden City Vortex? The most obvious is that the Ascended Masters have pledged their protection of these areas during the Times of Changes. But there is much more-you don’t have to wait for the Earth Changes to begin! First, many people notice an increased psychic ability and telepathic awareness in a vortex. This is due to the fact that two dimensions are overlapping and etheric realities become more perceptible. Thus, Golden City Vortexes are natural places for meditation, meeting spirit guides and triggering past life information. Because strong vortex energies have the ability to instantly align the human energy field (aura), you may feel more balanced, harmonious and peaceful in a Golden City Vortex. In your first visits, this realignment may cause you to sleep a great deal but, after your body makes the adjustment, vortex energies energize and rejuvenate the body. Most importantly, each Golden City Vortex is connected to an even larger web of creation. The Master Teachers call this ‘The Galactic Web’-and it acts as a group or universal mind within our galaxy to connect information seamlessly and timelessly with others. Intentional desires, prayers and ceremonies with groups of friends can demonstrate measurable results.
“A vortex is the three- dimensional form by which all mediums like water, air, solids, electricity and magnetism, sound, light, etc. are generally maintained and dissipated. They give birth to and disperse our planet and all particles of matter.”
Vortexes spin-clockwise takes energy in; counterclockwise, energy is released. Their movement is mirrored in nature. Funnel like in appearance, devastating and powerful tornadoes, twisting beautiful seashells and simple dishwater going down the drain mimic this basic energy movement. Scientifically, a vortex is a polarised motion body which creates it’s own magnetic field, aligning molecular structures with phenomenal accuracy. “Nature has basically two types of motion. One is centripetal and the other centrifugal. These motions have a definite geometrical pattern when they are generated by natural means. This geometrical form is call ‘The Vortex.’ A vortex is the three-dimensional form by which all mediums like water, air, solids, electricity and magnetism, sound, light, etc. are generally maintained and dissipated. They give birth to and disperse our planet and all particles of matter.”
When the Golden City Vortex shape is laid out in a plan view, a new perspective emerges. What is now seen is four directions, gateways or doorways as defined by the Master Teachers. The doors, on a simplistic level, are the directions from which we enter the Golden City, but the doorway that we enter from may have a powerful, spiritual meaning.
At an esoteric level, the four directions symbolise four spiritual pathways we can choose. Commenting on ‘The Most Holy Trinosophia’ one of the few manuscripts known to be written by Saint Germain more than 100 years ago to prepare his chelas in the cabalistic, hermetic and alchemical mysteries, Manly Hall writes, “The doors signify the courses which the soul can pursue. The black door is the path of asceticism and labor; the red door is that of faith; the blue door is that of purification, and the white door is that of adeptship and of the highest Mysteries. In the Bhagavad-Gita, Krishna describes these paths and those who follow them, and reveals that the last is the highest and most perfect.”
The Golden Cities of the I AM America prophecies represent the power of choice and its ability to overcome the adversity and catastrophe presented in the Earth Changes prophecies. Master K. H. clearly states, “Within your heart lies the gentle revolution which can redirect the course of such events.”
The four doors are an integral part of the spiritual and alchemical teachings of I AM America and the Golden Cities. Here are their descriptions:
“The doors signify the courses which the soul can pursue. The black door is the path of asceticism and labor; the red door is that of faith; the blue door is that of purification, and the white door is that of adeptship and of the highest Mysteries. In the Bhagavad- Gita, Krishna describes these paths and those who follow them, and reveals that the last is the highest and most perfect.”
The Northern Door, also known as the black door, which represents discipline and hard labor. Kuan Yin lends spiritual insight to this concept, “If you are to travel to the northern portion of the vortex, you will find that you will be asked to transmute and forgive."
However, as these Golden City energies are absorbed and integrated, worldly benefits can emerge. Northern doors are said to bring our desires into fruition and manifest physical abundance. In the New Times it is prophesied that the energies of the Northern Doors will produce the most abundant and prolific food crops and are the best locations for commercial and business endeavours.
The Southern Door, also known as the red door represents the Healing Of The Nations through enlightened love, non- judgement, faith and courage. Energies of this door are good for healing at any level - body, mind and spirit. In the New Times it is prophesied that many miracle healings will be demonstrated in these areas and because of the natural, beneficial energies are good locations for hospitals, healing clinics, retreats and spas. The energies of Southern Doors are also said to assist in physical regeneration.
The Eastern Door is also known as the blue door. It’s energies demand purification and sacrifice but, with the great reward of alchemy. St. Germain refers to the path of the Eastern Door as, “The Elixir of Life.” The blue door also signifies friends, family and those who are helpful. The Master Teachers claim that any relationship or family problem can be solved through time spent in contemplation on or in this doorway. In the New Times, it is prophesied that the Eastern Doors of the Golden City Vortexes are perfect locations for communities, group activities, residential homes and schools for young children.
The Western Door. In the I AM America teachings, the western door is known as the yellow door. It is the path of wisdom, and is sometimes called ‘The Philosopher’s Stone.’ It is also said to be the path of adeptship and perfection and is often the conclusion of the four pathways before entry into the ‘Star Of Knowledge.’ Western doors are good locations for universities and schools of higher and spiritual knowledge. The Master Teachers claim that in the New Times all governmental activities should be located within the energies of the Western Doors.The Star.
In the New Times, The Stars will be used as ceremonial grounds and their energies are good for self-renunciation, meditation and spiritual liberation. It is also prophesied that during the Times Of Changes that the energies of The Stars will become so purified and beneficially charged that this is where the Master Teachers will be able to manifest in physical form. It is then prophesied that much spiritual teaching and more miracle healing will occur.
The centre of each Golden City Vortex is called ‘The Star.’ The path of The Star is ideally the ‘Star Of Self- Knowledge.’ Living in a Star area will produce self-knowledge and self- empowerment. The Star is by far, one of the most powerful areas of a Golden City Vortex and since all four energies of the doorways coalesce throughout, it is identified with the color white. Stars of Golden City Vortexes are said to be forty miles in diameter - but the benefits of this radius can be felt for up to sixty miles. In the New Times, The Stars will be used as ceremonial grounds and their energies are good for self-renunciation, meditation and spiritual liberation. It is also prophesied that during the Times Of Changes that the energies of The Stars will become so purified and beneficially charged that this is where the Master Teachers will be able to manifest in physical form. It is then prophesied that much spiritual teaching and more miracle healing will occur.
“A vortex is the three- dimensional form by which all mediums like water, air, solids, electricity and magnetism, sound, light, etc. are generally maintained and dissipated. They give birth to and disperse our planet and all particles of matter.”
Vortexes spin-clockwise takes energy in; counterclockwise, energy is released. Their movement is mirrored in nature. Funnel like in appearance, devastating and powerful tornadoes, twisting beautiful seashells and simple dishwater going down the drain mimic this basic energy movement. Scientifically, a vortex is a polarised motion body which creates it’s own magnetic field, aligning molecular structures with phenomenal accuracy. “Nature has basically two types of motion. One is centripetal and the other centrifugal. These motions have a definite geometrical pattern when they are generated by natural means. This geometrical form is call ‘The Vortex.’ A vortex is the three-dimensional form by which all mediums like water, air, solids, electricity and magnetism, sound, light, etc. are generally maintained and dissipated. They give birth to and disperse our planet and all particles of matter.”
When the Golden City Vortex shape is laid out in a plan view, a new perspective emerges. What is now seen is four directions, gateways or doorways as defined by the Master Teachers. The doors, on a simplistic level, are the directions from which we enter the Golden City, but the doorway that we enter from may have a powerful, spiritual meaning.
At an esoteric level, the four directions symbolise four spiritual pathways we can choose. Commenting on ‘The Most Holy Trinosophia’ one of the few manuscripts known to be written by Saint Germain more than 100 years ago to prepare his chelas in the cabalistic, hermetic and alchemical mysteries, Manly Hall writes, “The doors signify the courses which the soul can pursue. The black door is the path of asceticism and labor; the red door is that of faith; the blue door is that of purification, and the white door is that of adeptship and of the highest Mysteries. In the Bhagavad-Gita, Krishna describes these paths and those who follow them, and reveals that the last is the highest and most perfect.”
The Golden Cities of the I AM America prophecies represent the power of choice and its ability to overcome the adversity and catastrophe presented in the Earth Changes prophecies. Master K. H. clearly states, “Within your heart lies the gentle revolution which can redirect the course of such events.”
The four doors are an integral part of the spiritual and alchemical teachings of I AM America and the Golden Cities. Here are their descriptions:
“The doors signify the courses which the soul can pursue. The black door is the path of asceticism and labor; the red door is that of faith; the blue door is that of purification, and the white door is that of adeptship and of the highest Mysteries. In the Bhagavad- Gita, Krishna describes these paths and those who follow them, and reveals that the last is the highest and most perfect.”
The Northern Door, also known as the black door, which represents discipline and hard labor. Kuan Yin lends spiritual insight to this concept, “If you are to travel to the northern portion of the vortex, you will find that you will be asked to transmute and forgive."
However, as these Golden City energies are absorbed and integrated, worldly benefits can emerge. Northern doors are said to bring our desires into fruition and manifest physical abundance. In the New Times it is prophesied that the energies of the Northern Doors will produce the most abundant and prolific food crops and are the best locations for commercial and business endeavours.
The Southern Door, also known as the red door represents the Healing Of The Nations through enlightened love, non- judgement, faith and courage. Energies of this door are good for healing at any level - body, mind and spirit. In the New Times it is prophesied that many miracle healings will be demonstrated in these areas and because of the natural, beneficial energies are good locations for hospitals, healing clinics, retreats and spas. The energies of Southern Doors are also said to assist in physical regeneration.
The Eastern Door is also known as the blue door. It’s energies demand purification and sacrifice but, with the great reward of alchemy. St. Germain refers to the path of the Eastern Door as, “The Elixir of Life.” The blue door also signifies friends, family and those who are helpful. The Master Teachers claim that any relationship or family problem can be solved through time spent in contemplation on or in this doorway. In the New Times, it is prophesied that the Eastern Doors of the Golden City Vortexes are perfect locations for communities, group activities, residential homes and schools for young children.
The Western Door. In the I AM America teachings, the western door is known as the yellow door. It is the path of wisdom, and is sometimes called ‘The Philosopher’s Stone.’ It is also said to be the path of adeptship and perfection and is often the conclusion of the four pathways before entry into the ‘Star Of Knowledge.’ Western doors are good locations for universities and schools of higher and spiritual knowledge. The Master Teachers claim that in the New Times all governmental activities should be located within the energies of the Western Doors.The Star.
In the New Times, The Stars will be used as ceremonial grounds and their energies are good for self-renunciation, meditation and spiritual liberation. It is also prophesied that during the Times Of Changes that the energies of The Stars will become so purified and beneficially charged that this is where the Master Teachers will be able to manifest in physical form. It is then prophesied that much spiritual teaching and more miracle healing will occur.
The centre of each Golden City Vortex is called ‘The Star.’ The path of The Star is ideally the ‘Star Of Self- Knowledge.’ Living in a Star area will produce self-knowledge and self- empowerment. The Star is by far, one of the most powerful areas of a Golden City Vortex and since all four energies of the doorways coalesce throughout, it is identified with the color white. Stars of Golden City Vortexes are said to be forty miles in diameter - but the benefits of this radius can be felt for up to sixty miles. In the New Times, The Stars will be used as ceremonial grounds and their energies are good for self-renunciation, meditation and spiritual liberation. It is also prophesied that during the Times Of Changes that the energies of The Stars will become so purified and beneficially charged that this is where the Master Teachers will be able to manifest in physical form. It is then prophesied that much spiritual teaching and more miracle healing will occur.